OsteoLink is an initiative of the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF)
and the Division of Bone Disease at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva.

Posted: 07/06/2012 |Author: Osteoporosis Australia

Dear Member of the OsteoLink Community,

One of the reasons OsteoLink Australia was founded was so that patients and their support network could be able to share their stories and have honest conversations about their experiences. This is not only a wonderful opportunity for people with similar experiences to connect, but it can help Osteoporosis Australia by gaining more insight into patient experience.

Osteoporosis Australia is currently looking into the treatment of hip fractures across the country, and would like to enlist the help of anyone who has experienced a hip fracture - or cared closely for someone who has - and would like to talk about their experience.

The discussion will be taking place in our forums and will pose the following questions

  1. How did you find the treatment of your hip fracture - did you feel reassured and confident during the process? 
  2. What aspects of your care in hospital did you feel were particularly good and what aspects of care do you think could be improved? 
  3. How has the hip fracture and the treatment for it affected your day to day life? 
  4. Did the doctors looking after you in hospital discuss the importance of preventing future falls and fractures? 

We hope these discussions will allow us to be able to better understand the needs of patients throughout Australia with the management of their hip fractures.